Part One: Prelude, 1880-1930. 1. Neither Right nor Left: Pre-Fascism -- 2. 'Avanti!': The post-war scene in Europe, and the success of Italian Fascism -- 3. 'The most constructive statesman of this age, Benito Mussolini': The initial impact of Italian Fascism -- Part Two: New developments in the Thirties. 4. The Third Way: Reactions to the Crisis of the early Thirties -- 5. 'Firm Leaders not drift': The Years 1933-6 and the emergence of the concept of 'international fascism' -- Part Three: The myth becomes reality: The nature of 'fascism'. 6. 'Fascists', or 'Conservatives'? -- 7. Two variants of the 'international fascism' of the late Thirties: 'Catholic fascism' and the 'Iron Guard' -- 8. More aspects of 'fascism' in the late Thirties -- Epilogue. 9. 'A great political alliance': fascism and the war -- 10. Race, nostalgia and the search for acceptance: the post-war -- extreme Right -- Conclusion.