Blinken OSA Archivum
HU OSA 429-1-1 Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items in this series
Identity Statement
Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Identity Statement
1966 - 2005
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
29 Archival boxes, 3.62 linear meters
1 Archival photo box, 0.33 linear meters
Content and structure
Scope and content (narrative)

The series contains the documents, research, studies, conference materials, data tables, reports, instructions, questionnaires, and literature in English, French, and Hungarian related to Mihály Csákó's thirty-year-long investigations focused on skilled workers and apprentices.

While still a fifth-year university student, Mihály Csákó, together with Mihály Hamburger, presented a new left-wing concept for teaching Marxism, which led to accusations of leftist deviation and to his expulsion from the university. He accepted an offer from the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP KB) and joined Ferenc Gazsó's research group, studying sociology. In 1972-73, he and Ilona Liskó began their investigations on apprentices, making it the first study of its kind in Hungary.

Together with Ilona Liskó they wrote a book about their research, but the authorities did not allow the book to be published. In 1973 they wrote successively articles and studies (e.g. The apprentices in the seventies, Can they find their place?, etc.).

In 1973-1974, Ilona Liskó and her team conducted interviews with apprentices in the fields of sales, weaving, women's tailoring, car mechanics, bricklaying, carpentry, machine building, food sales, and news media. The research was the basis for their doctoral thesis, but they were not allowed to defend it (see Csákó-Liskó: "Social Determination of Apprentices in the Seventies"; Candidate Dissertation).

On behalf of the National Institute for Career Choice Counseling, Mihály Csákó and Ilona Liskó examined a sample of 2850 young workers aged 20 to 25 in the fields of services, transportation, trade, construction industry, small-scale industry, and large-scale industry.

In 1979, they completed the second version of their candidate dissertation (Csákó-Liskó: "Social Determination of Apprentices in the Seventies"; Candidate Dissertation II), but they could only defend it after the change of the political regime.

Mihály Csákó and Ilona Liskó also wrote a study titled "Hungarian Vocational Training in the Seventies." Due to their negative political reputation at the time, the book could not be published. Some parts of the work eventually saw the light of day, but were scattered in terms of time and space – both the date of publication and the place of publication were dispersed. The copies of the original 1982 publications are included in this series.

Besides the study of skilled workers and apprentices, Mihály Csákó was also involved in other research on important issues of the 1970s (e.g. Housing and Supply, The Situation of Low-Income Households, etc.). His handwritten notes are among the documents.

At the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP KB), Csákó prepared numerous research plans and participated in numerous research projects (The Lifestyle Group of Young Workers, Youth Unemployment, etc.). His thoroughness is marked by the fact that between 29 September 1979 and 3 November 1980 he recorded the history of the research on the Lifestyle Groups of Young Workers on a daily basis. He described with whom the research had been planned, what ideas had been put forward, who had been negotiated with in order to obtain approval.

In 1989, after the fall of communism, Mihály Csákó returned to the Institute of Sociology of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), where he became head of the Hungarian research team of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scenarios project. The project aims at setting up a set of possible scenarios for the development of VET (at initial and continuing training level) in European countries. He presented the results of the research on VET and Education in Transition in Thessaloniki in 1992.

The final report of the project presented the Hungarian vocational education and training system, summarised the main findings and conclusions of the project, and included reports from the national working groups of the participating countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, England, Germany). The document was jointly produced by EFT (European Training Foundation) and CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) with the Estonian Ministry of Education and presented at a jointly organised European conference in 2000.

In the research project titled "National Vocational Student Investigation II - The Youth Vocational Training Component of the Human Resource Development World Bank Project and the Context of Vocational Training," Mihály Csákó and his team conducted interviews with students from various trades such as auto mechanics, bodywork technicians, toolmakers, construction, engineering, food preparation and sales, weavers, radio-TV technicians, and urban managers.

Within the research project on the situation of apprenticeship training in Hungary, interviews were conducted with vocational teachers of car mechanics, weavers, telecommunications and printing, commercial and catering hairdressers, beauticians, light industry, leather industry, and also with parents of apprentices. The study of apprentices was reported on in two volumes (Apprentices as a Social Group, Research Report on the National Apprenticeship Survey, Volumes I and II).

Between 1992 and 1996, he led the research on Schools and Students in a Changing VET System in the framework of the World Bank project on Human Resource Development. During this period he published several articles on the research (Schools and learners in changing conditions in apprenticeship, Career choices of apprentices, Apprenticeship, Apprentices before the labour market, etc.)

In addition to the research papers, the series includes real curiosities in the form of handwritten notes and comments by Mihály Csákó. A series of black-and-white photographs of vocational schools' students, made by Gusztáv Hámos in 1976 is of special value as well.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Réka Heszterényi, Erzsébet Szöllősi, and Örs Lehel Tari. Described by Erzsébet Szöllősi. The photos were described by Zsuzsanna Zádori. English translations by Judit Hegedüs and Iván Székely. October 31, 2023.
HU OSA 429-1-1 Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items
Identity Statement
Skilled Workers and Vocational Trainees
Identity Statement
1966 - 2005
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
29 Archival boxes, 3.62 linear meters
1 Archival photo box, 0.33 linear meters
Content and structure
Scope and content (narrative)

The series contains the documents, research, studies, conference materials, data tables, reports, instructions, questionnaires, and literature in English, French, and Hungarian related to Mihály Csákó's thirty-year-long investigations focused on skilled workers and apprentices.

While still a fifth-year university student, Mihály Csákó, together with Mihály Hamburger, presented a new left-wing concept for teaching Marxism, which led to accusations of leftist deviation and to his expulsion from the university. He accepted an offer from the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP KB) and joined Ferenc Gazsó's research group, studying sociology. In 1972-73, he and Ilona Liskó began their investigations on apprentices, making it the first study of its kind in Hungary.

Together with Ilona Liskó they wrote a book about their research, but the authorities did not allow the book to be published. In 1973 they wrote successively articles and studies (e.g. The apprentices in the seventies, Can they find their place?, etc.).

In 1973-1974, Ilona Liskó and her team conducted interviews with apprentices in the fields of sales, weaving, women's tailoring, car mechanics, bricklaying, carpentry, machine building, food sales, and news media. The research was the basis for their doctoral thesis, but they were not allowed to defend it (see Csákó-Liskó: "Social Determination of Apprentices in the Seventies"; Candidate Dissertation).

On behalf of the National Institute for Career Choice Counseling, Mihály Csákó and Ilona Liskó examined a sample of 2850 young workers aged 20 to 25 in the fields of services, transportation, trade, construction industry, small-scale industry, and large-scale industry.

In 1979, they completed the second version of their candidate dissertation (Csákó-Liskó: "Social Determination of Apprentices in the Seventies"; Candidate Dissertation II), but they could only defend it after the change of the political regime.

Mihály Csákó and Ilona Liskó also wrote a study titled "Hungarian Vocational Training in the Seventies." Due to their negative political reputation at the time, the book could not be published. Some parts of the work eventually saw the light of day, but were scattered in terms of time and space – both the date of publication and the place of publication were dispersed. The copies of the original 1982 publications are included in this series.

Besides the study of skilled workers and apprentices, Mihály Csákó was also involved in other research on important issues of the 1970s (e.g. Housing and Supply, The Situation of Low-Income Households, etc.). His handwritten notes are among the documents.

At the Institute of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party (MSZMP KB), Csákó prepared numerous research plans and participated in numerous research projects (The Lifestyle Group of Young Workers, Youth Unemployment, etc.). His thoroughness is marked by the fact that between 29 September 1979 and 3 November 1980 he recorded the history of the research on the Lifestyle Groups of Young Workers on a daily basis. He described with whom the research had been planned, what ideas had been put forward, who had been negotiated with in order to obtain approval.

In 1989, after the fall of communism, Mihály Csákó returned to the Institute of Sociology of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), where he became head of the Hungarian research team of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Scenarios project. The project aims at setting up a set of possible scenarios for the development of VET (at initial and continuing training level) in European countries. He presented the results of the research on VET and Education in Transition in Thessaloniki in 1992.

The final report of the project presented the Hungarian vocational education and training system, summarised the main findings and conclusions of the project, and included reports from the national working groups of the participating countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, England, Germany). The document was jointly produced by EFT (European Training Foundation) and CEDEFOP (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) with the Estonian Ministry of Education and presented at a jointly organised European conference in 2000.

In the research project titled "National Vocational Student Investigation II - The Youth Vocational Training Component of the Human Resource Development World Bank Project and the Context of Vocational Training," Mihály Csákó and his team conducted interviews with students from various trades such as auto mechanics, bodywork technicians, toolmakers, construction, engineering, food preparation and sales, weavers, radio-TV technicians, and urban managers.

Within the research project on the situation of apprenticeship training in Hungary, interviews were conducted with vocational teachers of car mechanics, weavers, telecommunications and printing, commercial and catering hairdressers, beauticians, light industry, leather industry, and also with parents of apprentices. The study of apprentices was reported on in two volumes (Apprentices as a Social Group, Research Report on the National Apprenticeship Survey, Volumes I and II).

Between 1992 and 1996, he led the research on Schools and Students in a Changing VET System in the framework of the World Bank project on Human Resource Development. During this period he published several articles on the research (Schools and learners in changing conditions in apprenticeship, Career choices of apprentices, Apprenticeship, Apprentices before the labour market, etc.)

In addition to the research papers, the series includes real curiosities in the form of handwritten notes and comments by Mihály Csákó. A series of black-and-white photographs of vocational schools' students, made by Gusztáv Hámos in 1976 is of special value as well.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Réka Heszterényi, Erzsébet Szöllősi, and Örs Lehel Tari. Described by Erzsébet Szöllősi. The photos were described by Zsuzsanna Zádori. English translations by Judit Hegedüs and Iván Székely. October 31, 2023.