0,05 linear meters (1 archival box)
At the moment the fonds comprises annual reports and other publications on the activities of the Soros Foundation in Albania.
Records listed here are complemented with other OSA holdings stored in the Soros Network Archival Portal (SNAP), institutional repository for permanent digital records from the Open Society Foundations. These comprise of annual reports, strategies, progress reports, evaluations, grant files etc. Due to legal and business reasons, access to this repository is for the time being limited to the Foundations staff, but researchers can send a request for access, which will be reviewed at case by case basis.
The foundation was officially opened in Tirana on February 20, 1992
0,05 linear meters (1 archival box)
At the moment the fonds comprises annual reports and other publications on the activities of the Soros Foundation in Albania.
Records listed here are complemented with other OSA holdings stored in the Soros Network Archival Portal (SNAP), institutional repository for permanent digital records from the Open Society Foundations. These comprise of annual reports, strategies, progress reports, evaluations, grant files etc. Due to legal and business reasons, access to this repository is for the time being limited to the Foundations staff, but researchers can send a request for access, which will be reviewed at case by case basis.
The foundation was officially opened in Tirana on February 20, 1992