The collection of photographs archived in this series includes images of Ambassador Donald Blinken and his wife, Mrs. Vera Blinken, photo documentation of the ambassadorial couple’s work (including offical meetings, visits to Taszár and Kecskemét airbases, award ceremonies, philantropic events, etc), as well as pictures taken with visitors at the Embassy at Szabadság tér and at the Residence in Zugliget.
The collection of photographs archived in this series includes images of Ambassador Donald Blinken and his wife, Mrs. Vera Blinken, photo documentation of the ambassadorial couple’s work (including offical meetings, visits to Taszár and Kecskemét airbases, award ceremonies, philantropic events, etc), as well as pictures taken with visitors at the Embassy at Szabadság tér and at the Residence in Zugliget.