Blinken OSA Archivum
HU OSA 429-4-3 Work Contracts and Professional Correspondence
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items in this series
Identity Statement
Work Contracts and Professional Correspondence
Identity Statement
1972 - 2000
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
2 Archival boxes, 0.25 linear meters
Name of creator(s)
Csákó, Mihály
Content and structure
Scope and content (narrative)

Csákó was very meticulous, not only in his academic work, but also in his private life. He kept everything: the Soros Foundation's documents relating to his Soros fellowship, his work correspondence and contracts, his academic correspondence. The documents preserved here are not closely related to any particular research or teaching activity of his, but they show Csákó's extensive network of contacts at home and abroad. Csákó kept the business cards received over the years, which are also included in the series.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Réka Heszterényi, Erzsébet Szöllősi, and Örs Lehel Tari. Described by Erzsébet Szöllősi. English translations by Judit Hegedüs and Iván Székely. October 31, 2023.
HU OSA 429-4-3 Work Contracts and Professional Correspondence
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items
Identity Statement
Work Contracts and Professional Correspondence
Identity Statement
1972 - 2000
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
2 Archival boxes, 0.25 linear meters
Name of creator(s)
Csákó, Mihály
Content and structure
Scope and content (narrative)

Csákó was very meticulous, not only in his academic work, but also in his private life. He kept everything: the Soros Foundation's documents relating to his Soros fellowship, his work correspondence and contracts, his academic correspondence. The documents preserved here are not closely related to any particular research or teaching activity of his, but they show Csákó's extensive network of contacts at home and abroad. Csákó kept the business cards received over the years, which are also included in the series.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Réka Heszterényi, Erzsébet Szöllősi, and Örs Lehel Tari. Described by Erzsébet Szöllősi. English translations by Judit Hegedüs and Iván Székely. October 31, 2023.