Blinken OSA Archivum
HU OSA 429-1-3 Political Socialization of the Youth, Sociology of Education
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items in this series
Identity Statement
Political Socialization of the Youth, Sociology of Education
Identity Statement
1958 - 2014
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
14 Archival boxes, 1.75 linear meters
Content and structure
Scope and content (narrative)

Mihály Csákó began his two-decade-long research on the political socialisation of young people in 1990, his first studies being focused on Religiousness and social relations in the seventh grade of primary schools in Budapest. Under his leadership, research on the political socialization of seventh-grade youth was conducted in 1991, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2008. The research was mainly conducted by university students as part of their studies. Over the years, they have tried to provide a complete picture of young people's political socialisation and have focused on analyzing the differences between the studies.

The series includes questionnaires, interviews, tables, analyses, and working materials. The researchers specifically examined the relationship between social relationships and political socialization. Mihály Csákó preserved the analyses of his students, which became part of the series: General activity; The impact of the student's classroom status on their popularity; Background of the surveyed young people's families; Political socialization - Political activity, political participation.

The series includes the pre-recruitment materials for 2006, a list of schools participating in the research, questionnaires ("What do you think about certain phenomena in the adult world?"), A first comparison of the seventh grades of the three types of schools. The researchers reported on the first results at a conference entitled "Secondary school research on political socialisation in Budapest, Baranya, Fejér, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties.

In 2008, at the conference held in memory of Ilona Liskó, a number of presentations on the political socialization of secondary school students were given: Vocational training and democracy; Intolerance and democracy in the political socialization of Hungarian secondary school students; Teenagers' perception of democracy; Education for democracy in schools; Education for democracy in Hungarian secondary schools.

In 2010, a study titled "Agents of Political Socialization in Hungary" was conducted with the support of the National Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). The study provides a summary of the topic, and the series includes the research plan, application materials, and interviews. The articles published during the research include: The family structure of Budapest seventh-graders in 2010; Political socialization in schools: Is it progressing or regressing?; School and political socialization; Notes on the religiosity of Hungarian teenagers after the regime change; Some thoughts on the difficulties of youth research; White or Red? Or are Hungarian schools educating for democracy?; Political socialization in Hungary at the turn of the millennium; Adolescents and religion. Further studies include: Political value transmission in the family; Night of Researchers; The mysterious object of pride; Family memory history; Insights into the process of political socialization through interviews with parents and children.

Mihály Csákó's presentations and articles on the political socialization of teenagers, as well as significant background material and literature in English, French, and Hungarian, are all part of the series.

Throughout Csákó's career, the sociology of education was a major area of interest, whether it is the factors of higher education, the further education of the children of manual workers, or certain structural changes in adult education in Hungary. The 2001 study titled "Mozaik" focuses on Hungarian youth in the Carpathian Basin. He has conducted research on the topics of politics and school, and politics and society over four years: School and Society 2005, School and Society 2008, School and Society 2010, School and Society 2017. In 2012, the research project "Why Should We Protect the School?" explored the education elites in Hungary during the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on the demographic background, educational paths, careers, and publication activities of the reputational elite, those who have a connection to education and can influence its development. Mihály Csákó also participated in the research project titled "Children of the Party State," which examined the situation of children during the Kádár regime from an educational perspective.

The series contains articles, research, scholarly papers, background materials and literature in English, French and Hungarian.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Réka Heszterényi, Erzsébet Szöllősi, and Örs Lehel Tari. Described by Erzsébet Szöllősi. English translations by Judit Hegedüs and Iván Székely. October 31, 2023.
HU OSA 429-1-3 Political Socialization of the Youth, Sociology of Education
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items
Identity Statement
Political Socialization of the Youth, Sociology of Education
Identity Statement
1958 - 2014
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
14 Archival boxes, 1.75 linear meters
Content and structure
Scope and content (narrative)

Mihály Csákó began his two-decade-long research on the political socialisation of young people in 1990, his first studies being focused on Religiousness and social relations in the seventh grade of primary schools in Budapest. Under his leadership, research on the political socialization of seventh-grade youth was conducted in 1991, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2006 and 2008. The research was mainly conducted by university students as part of their studies. Over the years, they have tried to provide a complete picture of young people's political socialisation and have focused on analyzing the differences between the studies.

The series includes questionnaires, interviews, tables, analyses, and working materials. The researchers specifically examined the relationship between social relationships and political socialization. Mihály Csákó preserved the analyses of his students, which became part of the series: General activity; The impact of the student's classroom status on their popularity; Background of the surveyed young people's families; Political socialization - Political activity, political participation.

The series includes the pre-recruitment materials for 2006, a list of schools participating in the research, questionnaires ("What do you think about certain phenomena in the adult world?"), A first comparison of the seventh grades of the three types of schools. The researchers reported on the first results at a conference entitled "Secondary school research on political socialisation in Budapest, Baranya, Fejér, Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg counties.

In 2008, at the conference held in memory of Ilona Liskó, a number of presentations on the political socialization of secondary school students were given: Vocational training and democracy; Intolerance and democracy in the political socialization of Hungarian secondary school students; Teenagers' perception of democracy; Education for democracy in schools; Education for democracy in Hungarian secondary schools.

In 2010, a study titled "Agents of Political Socialization in Hungary" was conducted with the support of the National Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). The study provides a summary of the topic, and the series includes the research plan, application materials, and interviews. The articles published during the research include: The family structure of Budapest seventh-graders in 2010; Political socialization in schools: Is it progressing or regressing?; School and political socialization; Notes on the religiosity of Hungarian teenagers after the regime change; Some thoughts on the difficulties of youth research; White or Red? Or are Hungarian schools educating for democracy?; Political socialization in Hungary at the turn of the millennium; Adolescents and religion. Further studies include: Political value transmission in the family; Night of Researchers; The mysterious object of pride; Family memory history; Insights into the process of political socialization through interviews with parents and children.

Mihály Csákó's presentations and articles on the political socialization of teenagers, as well as significant background material and literature in English, French, and Hungarian, are all part of the series.

Throughout Csákó's career, the sociology of education was a major area of interest, whether it is the factors of higher education, the further education of the children of manual workers, or certain structural changes in adult education in Hungary. The 2001 study titled "Mozaik" focuses on Hungarian youth in the Carpathian Basin. He has conducted research on the topics of politics and school, and politics and society over four years: School and Society 2005, School and Society 2008, School and Society 2010, School and Society 2017. In 2012, the research project "Why Should We Protect the School?" explored the education elites in Hungary during the 19th and 20th centuries, focusing on the demographic background, educational paths, careers, and publication activities of the reputational elite, those who have a connection to education and can influence its development. Mihály Csákó also participated in the research project titled "Children of the Party State," which examined the situation of children during the Kádár regime from an educational perspective.

The series contains articles, research, scholarly papers, background materials and literature in English, French and Hungarian.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Réka Heszterényi, Erzsébet Szöllősi, and Örs Lehel Tari. Described by Erzsébet Szöllősi. English translations by Judit Hegedüs and Iván Székely. October 31, 2023.