Duplicates of samizdat publications from the heritage of György Krassó obtained from the Budapest City Archives.
Contains samizdat and tamizdat periodicals, books, manuscripts, reprints and occasional publications collected or produced by György Krassó and published mainly by the two foremost Hungarian samizdat publishers, ABC Független Kiadó (ABC Independent Publisher) and "Magyar Október" Szabadsajtó (M.O. - Hungarian October Free Press).
Duplicates of samizdat publications from the heritage of György Krassó obtained from the Budapest City Archives.
Contains samizdat and tamizdat periodicals, books, manuscripts, reprints and occasional publications collected or produced by György Krassó and published mainly by the two foremost Hungarian samizdat publishers, ABC Független Kiadó (ABC Independent Publisher) and "Magyar Október" Szabadsajtó (M.O. - Hungarian October Free Press).