This classic 10-part comic TV-series, set in communist Yugoslavia in the late 1970s and early 1980s, revolves around the everyday joys and hardships of Borivoje Šurdilović Šurda, a provincial youngster in his mid-twenties who just moved to Belgrade. Šurda is a lazy hypochondriac, who sleeps long hours, does not like work and constantly complains to the fury of both his uncle Firga and his grandmother, whose shanty he just moved into, supposedly “just for a while, until he settles down.” Šurda however, is a genuine phlegmatic and nothing can upset him except for the lack of coffee, since he “suffers” from low blood pressure. This first episode finds him working in a barbershop, given to him by his father. The only problem is that Šurda sincerely hates his job and continuously ignores his customers. Disappointed by his lack of ambition, Šurda’s student girlfriend breaks up with him after his latest outburst at a snobbish party. Šurda also gets to meet his later life-time companion Slobodan Mihajlovic Bob, a petty thief from his home village who made a philosophy out of his criminal inclinations. Šurda soon learns about his tricks when he shaves him without getting paid for it.