Blinken OSA Archivum
HU OSA 300-120-5 Country Files
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items in this series
Identity Statement
Country Files
Identity Statement
1956 - 1994
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
487 Archival boxes, 60.88 linear meters
Name of creator(s)
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute
Name of creator(s)
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute
Content and structure
Scope and content (abstract)

Country files are mostly newspaper clippings and news agency releases but also brochures, conference papers and research studies relating to African, Asian, European and North and South American countries. The clippings are mostly from Western dailies and journals, with a limited amount of clippings from target country press. The news agency releases often cover events that are less reflected in the "national" subject files (see Related units of description).

Multiple sources are on Afghanistan, contemporary arts, Catholicism, censorship, economy, education, foreign relations, human rights, prison conditions. The materials include files on important politicians and public figures, such as Chiang Kai-Shek, Chou En-Lai, Deng Xiaoping, Nguyen Van Thieu and Hao Ziyang.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Content and structure
System of arrangement

Alphabetical order by countries and then by subjects.

Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Processed by Miklós Bányász and Pavol Salamon, 2005; revised by Tibor Szigeti, 2018; revised by Örs Lehel Tari, February 8, 2020.
Description Control
Rules or Conventions
ISAD(G):General International Standard Archival Description, Second Edition, 1999
HU OSA 300-120-5 Country Files
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items
Identity Statement
Country Files
Identity Statement
1956 - 1994
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
487 Archival boxes, 60.88 linear meters
Name of creator(s)
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute
Name of creator(s)
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Inc - Research Institute
Content and structure
Scope and content (abstract)

Country files are mostly newspaper clippings and news agency releases but also brochures, conference papers and research studies relating to African, Asian, European and North and South American countries. The clippings are mostly from Western dailies and journals, with a limited amount of clippings from target country press. The news agency releases often cover events that are less reflected in the "national" subject files (see Related units of description).

Multiple sources are on Afghanistan, contemporary arts, Catholicism, censorship, economy, education, foreign relations, human rights, prison conditions. The materials include files on important politicians and public figures, such as Chiang Kai-Shek, Chou En-Lai, Deng Xiaoping, Nguyen Van Thieu and Hao Ziyang.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Content and structure
System of arrangement

Alphabetical order by countries and then by subjects.

Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Processed by Miklós Bányász and Pavol Salamon, 2005; revised by Tibor Szigeti, 2018; revised by Örs Lehel Tari, February 8, 2020.
Description Control
Rules or Conventions
ISAD(G):General International Standard Archival Description, Second Edition, 1999