Blinken OSA Archivum
HU OSA 300-40-10 Press Survey
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items in this series
Identity Statement
Press Survey
Identity Statement
1955 - 1994
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (estimated)

16 linear meters (125 archival boxes)

Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
128 Archival boxes, 16.0 linear meters
Content and structure
Scope and content (abstract)

This series consists of clippings and transcripts of articles selected from the Hungarian press.

Hungarian press was one of the most important sources of information for the Hungarian Unit. Prepared five times a week by the Research Analysts, the Press Survey was based on the regular review of over one hundred newspapers and periodicals, including more than two dozens of regional dailies, for which the Unit had been subscribed. Occasionally, specialized publications of direct interest to some of the editors or analysts had been also reviewed.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Content and structure
System of arrangement

Arranged chronologically

Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Viktor Labos; described by Csaba Szilagyi, January 26, 1999; revised by Csaba Szilagyi, April 11, 2002.
HU OSA 300-40-10 Press Survey
BookIconSeries Description
Folders / Items
Identity Statement
Press Survey
Identity Statement
1955 - 1994
Identity Statement
Description Level
Identity Statement
Extent and medium (estimated)

16 linear meters (125 archival boxes)

Identity Statement
Extent and medium (processed)
128 Archival boxes, 16.0 linear meters
Content and structure
Scope and content (abstract)

This series consists of clippings and transcripts of articles selected from the Hungarian press.

Hungarian press was one of the most important sources of information for the Hungarian Unit. Prepared five times a week by the Research Analysts, the Press Survey was based on the regular review of over one hundred newspapers and periodicals, including more than two dozens of regional dailies, for which the Unit had been subscribed. Occasionally, specialized publications of direct interest to some of the editors or analysts had been also reviewed.

Content and structure
Not Expected
Content and structure
System of arrangement

Arranged chronologically

Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing access
Not Restricted
Conditions of access and use
Conditions governing reproduction
Third party rights are to be cleared.
Description Control
Archivist's note
Arranged by Viktor Labos; described by Csaba Szilagyi, January 26, 1999; revised by Csaba Szilagyi, April 11, 2002.