1. session. Opening of the Congress -- 2. Appointment of commissions -- 3. Report of Zinoviev -- 4. Discussion on Report of Zinoviev -- 5. Debate on Report by Zinoviev -- 6. Discussion -- 7. Discussion. Declarations -- 8. "Five years of the Russian revolution, and the perspectives of the world revolution." Speakers: Lenin, Zetkin -- 9. "Five years of the Russian revolution..." Speakers: Zetkin, Bela Kun -- 10. "Five years of the Russian revolution..." Report by Trotzky -- 11. "The capitalist offensive", report by Radek -- 12. Report on fascism -- 13. Report of the Credentials Committee -- 14-15. "Programme of the Communist International". Speakers: Bukharin, Thalheimer -- 16. "The tasks of Communists in the trade unions" by Lozovsky -- 17. Discussion. Situation in Turkey -- 18. "The tasks of Communists in the trade unions". Speakers: Lozovsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Radek, Bordiga, Münzenberg -- 19. Report on the Eastern question -- 20. Discussion of the Oriental question -- 21. Report on the agrarian question by Varga -- 22. Discussion of the agrarian question -- 23. Report on co-operation -- 24. Report on Communist activity among women -- 25. Report on education. Report on the Versailles Treaty -- 26. Report on the Versailles Treaty, conclusion -- 27. Discussion, report, draft, adoption of resolutions -- 28. Report of the French commission by Trotzky -- 29. Declarations, adoption of resolutions -- 30. Report of the Italian commission by Zinoviev -- 31. Reports, statements, adoption of resolutions -- 32. Declarations, adoption of resolutions, statements, election, closing speech by Zinoviev.