From the other shore, Vedas. Yu.Melnikov;
Materials from "The New American": S. Dovlatov "Sentimental March" (fragment) - how the newspaper began to be published; P. Boldyrev, E. Vertlieb "Solzhenitsyn and Yanov" - about the past, present and future of Russia, about Russian conservative liberalism, philosopher and historian Chicherin, magazine "Russia", read. Yu. Melnikov, Yu. Panich.
From the other shore, Vedas. Yu.Melnikov;
Materials from "The New American": S. Dovlatov "Sentimental March" (fragment) - how the newspaper began to be published; P. Boldyrev, E. Vertlieb "Solzhenitsyn and Yanov" - about the past, present and future of Russia, about Russian conservative liberalism, philosopher and historian Chicherin, magazine "Russia", read. Yu. Melnikov, Yu. Panich.