This series contains András Hegedüs' writings and lectures at international conferences that deal with fundamental political questions. The subjects illustrate Hegedüs` views in different periods. The most important topics are: the problems of peace movements, bureaucracy (here it is worth noting that his book on "Bureaucracy and Socialism" was published in German as well as in Japanese - the introductions to these editions are also available here), the philosophical background of actual questions, the social and economic problems of the Carpathian Basin and the neighboring countries, Hungary in 1956, his speeches delivered at various fora of the MDP, his writings and memoirs on the problems and development of economic and political reforms. The most relevant texts in this series are the writings that were published either as separate articles or within collaborative research reports about the necessary political and economic reforms.
This series contains András Hegedüs' writings and lectures at international conferences that deal with fundamental political questions. The subjects illustrate Hegedüs` views in different periods. The most important topics are: the problems of peace movements, bureaucracy (here it is worth noting that his book on "Bureaucracy and Socialism" was published in German as well as in Japanese - the introductions to these editions are also available here), the philosophical background of actual questions, the social and economic problems of the Carpathian Basin and the neighboring countries, Hungary in 1956, his speeches delivered at various fora of the MDP, his writings and memoirs on the problems and development of economic and political reforms. The most relevant texts in this series are the writings that were published either as separate articles or within collaborative research reports about the necessary political and economic reforms.