In Hungarian Chronicles, screenplay co-written by Ajtony, and directed by Gyula Gazdag, three men and a woman revisit, both mentally and physically, their lives’ main events between 1956-1989 in Hungary. All of them had traumas in their lives. One of them survived his own execution, the other became a widower too soon, the third abandoned his Secret Service career to become a teacher, while the fourth was persecuted for his involvement in the 1956 revolution.
In Hungarian Chronicles, screenplay co-written by Ajtony, and directed by Gyula Gazdag, three men and a woman revisit, both mentally and physically, their lives’ main events between 1956-1989 in Hungary. All of them had traumas in their lives. One of them survived his own execution, the other became a widower too soon, the third abandoned his Secret Service career to become a teacher, while the fourth was persecuted for his involvement in the 1956 revolution.